The Minister of National Defence, Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă, visited on October 12 one of ROMARM's subsidiaries, Moreni Automechanical Plant. During this visit, the main topic was focused on the discussions about the state of implementation of the plan of works executed in the current year, as well as the possibilities of expansion. In this context , special attention was paid to the diversification of cooperation in the field of maintenance of military equipment at the Moreni Auto Mechanical Plant also in 2022.
The Romanian high official visited the working facilities of the plant and stressed the need to identify, through Research - Development and through collaboration, development solutions for new, technologically advanced equipment that would contribute to the modernization of existing military technology.

The Minister of Defence has stated that "The modernization of the Romanian Army's technology must be carried out with the involvement of the national defense industry. For this, the economic operators in the national defence industry must adapt to the new technologies. In support of this approach, I support the collaboration of the Research Agency for Military Techniques and Technologies with economic operators and the transfer of technology to them. This will create highly skilled jobs, inject capital into the Romanian economy and contribute to the reinvigoration of the national defense industry. This will create highly skilled jobs, inject capital into the Romanian economy and contribute to the reinvigoration of the national defense industry".
The meeting was also attended by important people from the Army, such as General Incicaș Teodor - Head of the General Directorate for Armaments, General Petrescu Daniel - Chief of Defence Staff, General Mazilu Marian and Mr Socea Gabriel. From the point of view of military expertise, the military officials analysed the situation on the ground objectively and proactively.
Established in 1969 as a manufacturer of armored transporters for the Romanian Army and other partner countries, Moreni Auto Mechanical Plant currently designs, develops, manufactures, assembles and services amphibious transporters, armored vehicles, anti-terrorist armored vehicles, mobile kitchens, trailers, military and civilian technical products.
Certainly, the interest shown by the MApN in extending the collaboration in the field of military technical maintenance at Moreni Auto Mechanical Plant to 2022 is a subject that will be closely followed by the management.