Our main target is the quality of our products and services.
ROMARM announces an open tender for the sale of stock without movement
CN ROMARM organizează licitația deschisă…
Compania Națională ROMARM prezentă la BSDA 2024
ROMARM participă la BSDA 2024…
ROMARM military equipment was showcased at the anniversary event organized by the Special Operations Forces
ROMARM, reprezentantul industriei de apărare…
Comunicat de presa CN ROMARM SA – 09 martie 2023
Având în vedere evoluția evenimentelor…
Official launch of the new ROMARM subsidiary, Centre of Excellence in Research, Development and Innovation Bucharest
Inaugurarea oficială a noii sucursale…
Memorandum of Understanding with ASELSAN
Memorandum of Understanding with ASELSAN
The new ROMARM subsidiary - "Centre of excellence in research, development and innovation" Bucharest
The new "Centre of Excellence in...
Romanian-Turkish partnership opportunities within ICDDA 2022
ROMARM attended the conference...
ROMARM attended the Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe Conference 2022
We're proud to announce...
ROMARM supports NATO as industry representative at ACT NIAG conference
NATO Industry Advisory Group...
Strategic Memorandum - Raytheon Missiles Defense, the company that produces the Patriot system, will manufacture SkyCeptor interceptor missiles at Electromecanica S.A.
Memorandum signed to manufacture the missiles...
Countdown Starts for BSDA 2022
The biggest event of...
Anniversary event - 85 years of Romanian Continuity and Performance
Uzina Mecanica Plopeni celebrated...
ROMARM attended the International Exhibition of Military Technology - EDEX 2021 in Egypt
ROMARM has joined the...
ROMARM and Elbit Systems partnership for the production of C4I and Cyber Intelligence command-control systems
Next generation military technology...
Romanian Army Day celebrated by ROMARM
The Romanian Army is one of...
Moreni Auto Mechanical Plant celebrates 53 years of activity
This month, the ROMARM subsidiary, Moreni...
Official visit of Minister of National Defence Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă to Moreni Auto Mechanical Plant
Minister of National Defence, Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă...
ROMARM attends ASDA 2021
We're pleased to announce...
ROMARM celebrates 20 years of activity
ROMARM celebrates 20 years of activity
Press release
Press release 10.03.2020
Sadu Mechanical Plant - 77 years of defense industry traditions
July 20, 2016 Anniversary
Romanian Aviation & Air Force Day
Romanian Aviation & Air Force Day
BSDA 2016 – 18-20 May – Bucharest
Black Sea Defense and Aerospace…
National Company ROMARM was set-up in 2000 by the union of the most important factories from Romanian Defense Industries and is the largest supplier for military equipment, ammunition and maintenance services in Romania.
ROMARM is a modern holding structure with 100% Romanian state own capital, under the authority of Ministry of Economy.