ROMARM has joined the second edition of EDEX in Egypt, the only defense and security services exhibition dedicated to all combat environments in North Africa. In fact, EDEX it is the largest defense event in Egypt and Africa, attended this year by more than 400 renowned defense companies.
With about 920,000 troops, the largest military power in Africa and one of the largest forces in the world, Egypt is the ideal setting for a large-scale defense and security event. In addition, Egypt has historically maintained continuous investment in new generation equipment as a defense strategy and has reinforced national production lines in a number of military complexes. EDEX is fully supported by the Egyptian Armed Forces and is a unique opportunity for exhibitors to showcase the latest technologies, equipment and systems dedicated to fighting on land, at sea or in the air.
As the main exhibitor at the Romanian national stand organized by Patromil, ROMARM represented the Romanian defense industry at Egypt Defence Expo 2021. We would like to thank for their involvement both the Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturers (Patromil) and the delegation of MapN and Ministry of Economy.
ROMARM National Company presented ammunition in the portfolio, many of which are of interest to Egyptian partners. Among the products on display are 20 mm, 30 mm and 35 mm calibre ammunition, respectively 60 mm, 80 mm and 120 mm calibre launcher bombs or reactive rounds for the AG-7 and AG-9 grenade launcher. The company also presented Armored amphibious transporter 8x8 Saur 2 manufactured by Moreni Automechanical subsidiarywhich after discussions proved to be a product of high interest for the Egyptian market.
During the 4 days of the exhibition, Romania's stand and in particular ROMARM's stand were visited by officials of the Ministry of Economy and representatives of the Ministry of National Defence, namely the Defence Staff, the Air Force Staff and the Directorate General for Armaments.
Thanks for the support and appreciation received from Ms. Daniela Nicolescu, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, General Gheorghe Dima - head of the military delegation, as well as Col. Cătălin Cîrlănaru - military attaché in Cairo.
EDEX 2021, new opportunities for Romanian-Egyptian co-operation
This event confirms our country's interest in developing relations with the African state, a fact also underlined by the presence of the aforementioned ministerial delegation, which accompanied representatives of the Romanian defence industry. In this context, we are also pleased with the interest shown by the Egyptian military delegation and the Egyptian Chief of Defence Staff, who held discussions with ROMARM management with a view to a possible mutually beneficial collaboration.

Gabriel Țuțu, CEO of ROMARM had a series of meetings with Egyptian partners, in particular the Egyptian Minister of Military Production, Engineer Mohamed Ahmed Morsi. Following the discussions, Director General Țuțu presented a number of opportunities offered by the Romanian defense industry, each of which is of particular interest to Egyptian partners. In this perspective, the Romanian delegation proposed to the Egyptian side to cooperate in the joint production of some ammunition in the portfolio of C.N. ROMARM SA.
ROMARM's commitment was complete, the team being coordinated by the Director General, Gabriel Țuțu, who was assisted by ROMARM subsidiaries Cugir Mechanical Plant, Carfil, Dragomirești Special Products Factory

The EDEX exhibition event overlapped with Romania's National Day on 1 December, so we are proud to have supported the interests of Romania and the defense industry on this historic anniversary.
We look forward to meeting our Egyptian partners again soon at the exhibition BSDA – Black Sea Defense and Aerospace (BSDA 2022), which will take place in May in Bucharest, an excellent opportunity for the Romanian defense industry to start new collaborations.