75 PTE Project
"Low environmental impact composite fuel for unsteered propulsion systems"
Acronym E-CORA

STATUS: currently under research


P2 - Increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy through research, development, innovation


2.1 Competitiveness through research, development and innovation - Transfer project to economic operator.

Project title:

Low environmental impact composite fuel for unsteered propulsion systems

Identification code:



75 PTE

Contract value:

1,586,495.00 Lei


National Company ROMARM SA


Eng. Botiș Horia-Razvan

Project acronym:


Contracting period:

29/06/2022 - 20/06/2024

Project timeframe:

24 months

Project stages:

3 Stages conducted during 2022, 2023 and 2024


2. Information and Communication Technology, Space and Security
2.3. Security


Propulsion; Missiles; environmentally friendly; ammonium nitrate; polyurethane


Common propulsion systems such as unguided systems, which are strictly necessary for any army, include portable grenade launchers, rockets, multiple rocket launchers on vehicles, and rocket launchers on aircraft and boats. The aim of this project is to recreate a vital capability of the national defense industry by transferring an innovative composite rocket fuel technology from academia and research to industrial partner ROMARM. The industrial prototype development of this new rocket fuel manufacturing technology involves the use of an affordable oxidant with low sensitivity and minimal environmental impact, as well as energy binder systems that can also incorporate materials obtained by recycling PET. These new propellants perform at least as well as dual-based powders (based on cellulose nitrates and glycerol trinitrate) while having low sensitivity and low environmental impact. The composite solid fuel will have dual applicability and can be used nationally and in civil propulsive applications, including the national anti-hail rocket atmospheric intervention system (made by ROMARM), which currently uses obsolete, polluting imported fuels.
The academic and research consortium that developed and validated the experimental model and that will assist ROMARM SA in the development of this technology is composed of prestigious institutions with long experience in research and development of military technology and advanced materials: the Ferdinand I Military Technical Academy, the CBRN and Ecology Defence Research and Innovation Centre and the National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry.

The project's first stage consists of analyzing the laboratory technology and transferring knowledge to the economic partner to design and execute the pilot plant for the manufacturing of the prototype.

Estimated results in stage 1: 

1. Report on the setting of technical parameters for the manufacture of the prototype

2. Development specification

3. Major Development Test-Evaluation Plan (MDTP)

4. Implementation and technological documentation

5. Equipment and raw materials reception documentation

6. Attendance to 3 scientific communications at national and international events (1 P1, 1 P2, 1 P3).


Achieved results in stage 1:

1. Report on the setting of technical parameters for the manufacture of the prototype

2. Development specification

3. Major Development Test-Evaluation Plan (MDTP)

4. Implementation and technological documentation

5. Equipment and raw materials reception documentation

6. Attendance to 3 scientific communications at national and international events (1 P1, 1 P2, 1 P3).

Execution of the pilot manufacturing facility, testing and development evaluation of the prototype batch.

Estimated results in stage 2:

1. Pilot plant manufacturing documentation, Operations Schemes, Work Guidelines

2. Analysis reports; Test Reports

3. Technological demonstrator reception documents

4. Development Test-Evaluation Report

5. Display stand

6. 3 ISI listed articles (1 P1, 1 P2, 1 P3)

Achieved results in stage 2:

1. Pilot plant manufacturing documentation, Operations Schemes, Work Guidelines

2. Analysis reports; Test Reports

3. Technological demonstrator reception documents

4. Development Test-Evaluation Report

5. Display stand

6. 3 ISI listed articles (1 P1, 1 P2, 1 P3)


75 PTE Project

Low environmental impact composite fuel for E-Cora undriven propulsion systems.

Financing Contract No. 75PTE/2022
Code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2021-0211

STAGE III/2024 - Development evaluation to homologate the industrial prototype batch and final report.

Activity 3.1 - Demonstration of industrial manufacturing technology of solid composite fuel.
Activity 3.2 - Elaboration of the necessary documentation for registering a patent application at OSIM (State Office for Inventions and Trademarks) on the project topic.
Activity 3.3 - Dissemination of results and preparation of the final report.

Estimated results in stage 3:

- Technical memo for homologation.
- Applying for a patent;
- Final report;
- Participation in 3 scientific communications at national and international events (1 P1, 1 P2, 1 P3);
- 1 attendance to an exhibition/trade fair/patents;

Achieved results in stage 3:

- Technical memo for homologation.
- Applying for a patent;
- Final report;
- Participation in 3 scientific communications at national and international events (1 P1, 1 P2, 1 P3);
- 1 attendance to an exhibition/trade fair/patents;
The experimental work carried out within the 75PTE technology transfer project "Low Environmental Impact Composite Fuel for unguided propulsion systems" has led to the detection of material characteristics that give the low environmental impact composite fuel performance, safety, and compatibility characteristics.
The main results achieved within the 75 ETP_E-Cora project were:
► Development evaluation to homologate the industrial prototype batch.
► Evaluation of the technical-scientific assessment of the optimized manufacturing process of polyester/polyether polyol-based polyurethane formulations for the pilot manufacturing plant.
► Implementation and development of a pilot plant for the production of solid composite fuel.
► Prototype batch development testing and evaluation;
► Developing manufacturing technology with low environmental and health impacts on operators.
► To ensure the pyrotechnical safety of the activities undertaken within the project and the subsequent solid composite fuel manufacturing activities.
► Prototype batch manufacturing - series 0;
► Finalization of the industrial manufacturing line as well as the construction documentation of the solid composite fuel;
► Testing plan, evaluation of prototype batch development prototype series 0;
► Testing report, evaluation of prototype batch development lot prototype series 0;
► Composite fuel firing/test/characterization reports.
The project was accomplished with the drafting of the documentation for the start of the product homologation with MApN and was operationally tested in accredited MApN polygons.
► Scientific articles indexed BDI/ ISI Thomson Reuters;
► Submit patent applications to OSIM.

It is worth noting the efficiency of the results obtained through the implementation of this project under the auspices of UEFISCDI within PNCDI-II/2019, Program P.2 "Increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy through RDI" Subprogram 2.1. "Competitiveness through research, development and innovation" - Project of technological transfer to the industrial beneficiary - the project financing from national research funds allowed the transfer of technical and constructive documentation from MApN partners to the National Company ROMARM SA for the realization of the industrial beneficiary S. UPS Dragomirești - a subsidiary of ROMARM, of this product, which will be produced in the country and delivered for export by the project coordinator ROMARM.